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Class Info

The Class Info section of your Class will allow you to manage your class enrollment, as well as share any pertinent class information.

Under Class Info, you'll see a box titled "Class Info" with an "Edit class info" button. Once selected, you'll be able to add course expectations, communication expectations, syllabus information, or general bio information about you or your class. A standard formatting bar will allow you to set up that information section however you'd like.

On the right, you can to add/remove staff and students.

The three dots to the right of Class Members give you the choice to Add Staff, Add Students, or Download Guardian Invites.

To add other staff members, search for the staff member you'd like to add your class, select from the list, and click "Add Staff." To switch that staff member as the primary owner of the class, hover over that staff member and use the two arrows to swap ownership.

To "Add Students," you'll select the option and can either upload a .csv file of Student IDs or search for students by ID or Name.

The final option to "Download Guardian Invites" will allow you to download a PDF invitation for each student. Guardian Invites will be handled via email invitation by Apptegy, but if you need a PDF for any reason, those are available for you to access.