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Notifications in Rooms

There are two ways to receive notifications in Rooms. One can receive notifications through push notifications from the app or emails through the browser. The user can decide how they would like to be notified, but they do have to manually turn on these notifications in order to receive them.

Push notifications will send an immediate message from the app directly to the user's phone screen. It'll pop up just as a text message would. It'll also create a badge on the app to show the amount of messages that user has waiting for them. When you go into the app, badges will appear next to the unread content.

Email notifications are sent hourly for unread content. This is to help prevent teacher's inboxes filled with messages from parents and students. Parents have the previous option, and they can receive an email with a daily digest of messages that pertain to their student(s).

Additionally, parents are to turn on notifications in the school app. Teachers and staff are to turn on notifications in Thrillshare. Those who wear both hats will need to make sure that have notifications turned on in both apps.