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Publishing and Unpublishing Pages

In CMS pages can have several statuses: Unpublished, Published, or Archived.

Unpublished Status

If a page is unpublished, this allows you to edit and save changes to a page without it being accessible on your website. Even if someone has the specific URL of the page, as long as it's unpublished, they'll get a page not found error. If you're working on a page's content but have not yet finalized you work, it's usually a good idea to keep it unpublished.

Published Status

Pages that are published can be viewed on your public facing site. Published pages are always accessible even if they're not included on your Site Menu. If someone is provided the page URL they can visit the page by entering it directly in their browser. Once a page is published, if you make changes and publish those, they'll be immediately visible on your site.

To Publish/Unpublish a page:

In the Pages Menu or Site Menu, Hover over the ... option in the Actions column. From the dropdown that opens, select either Publish or Unpublish depending on the current status of the page.

Additionally, you can Publish or Unpublish from the preview page using the Page Info tab on the left side of the screen that is combined with the Activity Log